Big Banks Commit Murder of U.S. States, Cities
The LaRouche Political Action Committee has instituted a weekly Wall Street Crime Report beginning July 2013, which is documenting, state-by-state, and city-by-city, the criminal actions of the mega-predator banks, with the consent of the state or the...
June 2013 Euro area international trade in goods surplus 17.3 bn euro 9.9 bn euro surplus for EU27
The first estimate for the euro area1 (EA17) trade in goods balance with the rest of the world in June 2013 gave a 17.3 billion euro surplus, compared with +12.8 bn in June 2012. The May 20132 balance was +14.5 bn, compared with +6.2 bn in May 2012....
Flash estimate for the second quarter of 2013
New Transmission Line Launched In Western Ukraine as Part of World Bank-Supported Power Transmission Network Upgrade
India: Government of India and World Bank sign $100 Million agreement to help low-income families secure housing loans
The government of India and the World Bank signed a $100 million credit agreement aimed at helping low-income households in Indian cities access loans to purchase, build or upgrade their dwellings.
Transforming Uganda’s Economy for more and better jobs
The Uganda Economic Update that was launched projects a GDP growth rate of 6.5 percent in 2014. The Update attributes recovery to renewed macro-stability and increased public investments that address binding constraints to growth.
Libyan Oil Output Cut in Half by Strikes, Disruption
The Libyan oil industry is in the midst of its worst crisis since the 2011 civil war because of lawlessness and strikes at major petroleum facilities.
Why Wall Street Must Be Shut Down
When Glass-Steagall is re-enacted, the U.S. government will orchestrate the largest market crash in human history. We have the authority to do it on the basis of national security; we have the power to do it in an orderly way; and we must do it to...
Israel Approves New Settlement Homes
Israel is inviting contractors to build almost 1,200 new homes in occupied territory claimed by the Palestinians, a controversial move that comes three days before the planned resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
$50 Million Grant to Boost Economic Growth and Fiscal Sustainability in Afghanistan
The World Bank approved a US$50 million grant, through International Development Association (IDA), to help Afghan Government reinforce legal, regulatory and institutional reforms.