First release of G20 Consumer Price Index shows slowing annual inflation at 3.0% in August 2013
Consumer prices, all items, G20
August 2013, percentage change on the same month of the previous year
1. See...
Switzerland signs Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters
EU e-signature plan to make electronic deals safer and easier
Companies, citizens and public authorities wanting to strike cross-border deals should have access to easy and trustworthy ways to sign and certify documents, said Parliament's Industry Committee on Monday. To this end, it endorsed a draft EU law that...
New policies needed to adjust to new dynamics in world economy – UN report
Countries must adopt new economic policies to adjust to structural changes in the world economy sparked by the onset of the global financial crisis five years ago, according to a new United Nations report.
Senate Leaders Optimistic About Reaching Deal on Debt Ceiling, Shutdown
A White House meeting with congressional leaders was postponed Monday afternoon to give negotiators more time to work out a plan to avert a default on the nation's debt and end the partial government shutdown. Analysts warn failure to resolve the...
Sorting out troubled banks: Economic and Monetary Committee starts work on rules
Rapporteur for rules on dealing with struggling banks Elisa Ferreira (S&D, PT) backed the key tenets of the Commission's proposal on Monday, including placing the EU executive at the heart of the system.
World Bank and Djibouti Sign Agreement to Explore Geothermal Energy
Financing agreements signed between the World Bank Group and Djibouti will launch a project to tap into Djibouti’s volcanic riches as a source of geothermal power. IDA, the Bank’s arm for the world’s poorest countries, will provide a US$6 million...
Joint Statement by Multilateral Institutions on Trade Facilitation Assistance
The Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali, Indonesia on 3-6 December 2013 offers an opportunity to conclude a WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement that will deliver tangible economic benefits for developing and least-developed countries. We urge WTO...
US Senate has Rare Sunday Session Days Amid Fiscal Impasse
Hopes to avoid a U.S. debt default and reopen the federal government are being pinned on talks between the Democratic and Republican leaders in the Senate. The leaders consulted Sunday but did not indicate a breakthrough is near.
Building the Kra Canal and Southeast Asian Development
Under the name of "Asia Pivot," the Obama Administration continues to adhere to the imperial doctrine of no-development in the Asia Pacific region. Major nations of Asia are pitted against each other over the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty...