Finance & Economics

Broadband can solve the global development gap

Director-General, Irina Bokova, during her intervention at the 9th Broadband Commission Meeting in Dublin, Ireland

IMF Opens Fifth Regional Technical Assistance Center in Africa

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) officially opened its fifth Africa regional technical assistance center (AFRITAC) in Ghana, offering capacity building services to six countries across Western Africa.

China: A New Approach for Efficient, Inclusive, Sustainable Urbanization

A new report recommends that China curb rapid urban sprawl by reforming land requisition, give migrants urban residency and equal access to basic public services, and reform local finances by finding stable revenues and by allowing local governments...

Solomon Islands Gets US$13 Million Boost to Improve Efficiency and Reliability of Electricity Services in Honiara

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved US$13 million in additional financing to Solomon Islands for the Sustainable Energy Project (SISEP), which is working to improve the operational efficiency, system reliability and financial...

Lost in translation? Adventures in another language

Many language enthusiasts go to El Barco de Ávila to improve their Spanish.

Deal struck on promoting use of alternative fuels on roads and waterways

MEPs green light promoting use of alternative fuels

Logistics Performance Index (LPI) Report: The Gap Persists


Trade Committee backs plan to remove EU tariffs on imports from Ukraine

About 98% of the customs duties that Ukrainian goods exporters pay at EU borders would be removed by a proposal backed by the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee on Thursday. This unilateral measure would boost Ukraine’s struggling...

Martin Schulz: We must be careful not to sleepwalk into an ever escalating conflict

EP President Martin Schulz arrives at the European Council

World Bank Group Supports DRC with Technical Assistance for Preparation of Inga 3 BC Hydropower Development

The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors approved a US$73.1 million grant to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for the Inga 3 Basse Chute (BC) and Mid-size Hydropower Development Technical Assistance Project.