Finance & Economics

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2014 Article IV Consultation with Cyprus

Large imbalances accumulated prior to the global financial crisis culminated in the collapse of Cyprus’s banking system in early 2013. In response, the authorities took unprecedented measures upfront to resolve and recapitalize weak systemic banks at...

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2014 Article IV Consultation with Timor-LesteIMF Executive Board Concludes 2014 Article IV Consultation with Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste has made good progress in building its economy since regaining independence in 2002. Achievements include the build-up of savings from oil wealth, greater political stability, access to international networks, and adhering to principles of...

Settle bills, invest more for growth and jobs: Parliament’s position on the EU budget for 2015

European Union member states must back their political pledges with money to revive growth, create jobs, encourage research and development, and enable the EU to do its foreign policy job, said MEPs as they reversed the Council's cuts in the draft EU...

European Semester: MEPs call for better implementation and more democratic scrutiny

Top (from left): Philippe De Backer and Benedetto Della Vedova. Second row: Jyrki Katainen,...

Barroso: "Europe is not the cause of the crisis - it's part of the solution"

José Manuel Barroso

EU job-search aid for former metal and car workers in Belgium, France and Spain

About 2,800 former workers at firms producing various metals in Spain, steel in Belgium, and cars in France and Belgium will get EU aid to help them find new jobs after Parliament approved the applications on Tuesday. The requests for European...

The World Bank mobilizes additional funds to help Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved an additional International Development Association (IDA)* credit of US$75 million to improve the livelihoods and resilience of pastoralists in the Horn of Africa.

Staying on the Growth Path through Savings Key for Poland’s Future, says the World Bank

Growth boosted by increased household and public savings can help the Polish economy stay on a path of sustained long-term economic development, says a new World Bank report, Poland Country Economic Memorandum (CEM): Saving for Growth and Prosperous...

China's Economy Records Slowest Growth Since 2009

China's economy expanded by just 7.3 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier, the slowest growth since early 2009 for the world's second-largest economy.

EU budget for 2015: "The Parliament will fight hard"

Eider Gardiazábal