Finance & Economics

China Charts a Course for World Economic Recovery

The conference of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Beijing, culminating in a summit meeting Nov. 10-11, promises to be a watershed moment for the Asia-Pacific and for the world.

Kiribati Prepared For Second Economic Boost

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved US$3 million for the Second Economic Support Development Policy Operation, which will support efficient public service delivery and long-term fiscal sustainability in the Republic of Kiribati.

Mergers: Commission approves Etihad's acquisition of joint control over Alitalia, subject to conditions

The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of joint control over New Alitalia of Italy by Alitalia Compagnia Aerea Italiana S.p.A. ("Alitalia CAI") of Italy, and Etihad Airways PJSC ("Etihad") of the...

G20: OECD to help monitor growth and gender commitments


October 2014 - Annual inflation up to 0.4% in the euro area - Up to 0.5% in the EU

Euro area1 annual inflation was 0.4% in October 20142, up from 0.3% in September. A year earlier the rate was 0.7%. European Union1 annual inflation was 0.5% in October 2014, up from 0.4% in September. A year earlier the rate was 0.9%. These figures...

EU budget: rule change to give more flexibility on exceptional adjustments to national contributions

The European Commission has proposed an amendment to the rules on the adjustment of EU budget contributions from Member States. This comes after the current automatic system had this year led to a demand for exceptionally large additional payments...

UK employers set a new benchmark for social mobility


China headed to overtake EU, US in science & technology spending, OECD says

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European Parliament backs EU-Moldova association deal

The European Parliament gave its consent to the EU-Moldova Association agreement, which includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), on Thursday in Brussels. The deal will form the backbone of strengthened political association and...

EP approves EU aid for former workers at Greek retailer and Irish jeweller

Workers at fashion retailer Sprider Stores in Greece and at jewellery maker Andersen Ireland Limited in Ireland are to receive EU aid worth €8.8 million to help find or create new jobs. The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) aid applications...