Finance & Economics

European Council agrees on revised MFF for 2014-2020

A revision of the EU's multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2014-2020 was agreed by the Council's Permanent Representatives Committee on 13 February 2015. This will allow for the preservation of commitments needed to support a number of EU...

A UK's matrix that failed to puzzle investigators is ordered into liquidation


Spain Adheres to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus

Spain has completed the requirements for adherence to the International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) Plus—the highest tier of the Data Standards Initiatives. Spain’s SDDS Plus data are now posted on the Dissemination...

UK business-friendly enforcement saves firms over £40 million

UK Business Secretary Vince Cable and Business and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock announced on February 10 that better enforcement of regulation is saving business more than £40 million every year.

Bulgaria Continues Counting on World Bank Knowledge in Roads

Lazar Lazarov, Chairman of the Management Board of the Roads Infrastructure Agency, and World Bank Country Manager for Bulgaria...

UK Government announces £4.36 million for support worker skills in the NHS

UK Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock announced £4.36 million of joint government and industry funding to improve skills for the NHS’s 600,000 support workers on February 13.

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq Needs an Estimated US$1.4 billion this Year to Stabilize the Economy

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is facing an economic and humanitarian crisis as a result of the influx of Syrian refugees (starting in early 2012) and more recently the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in 2014. According to a newly...

IMF Announces Staff Level Agreement with Ukraine on a New US$ 17.5 Billion Extended Fund Facility Arrangement

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission visited Kyiv during January 8 - February 12, to discuss the authorities’ economic reform program, which could be supported by an Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement. The EFF would replace the existing...

US$130 Million to Support Recycling and Improved Solid Waste Management in Morocco

The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors approved Thursday a US$130 million project to support the Moroccan national goal of ensuring all municipal solid waste is disposed in sanitary landfills, along with 20% of all waste recycled, by 2022...

Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Ukraine

The IMF team working in Kiev has reached a staff-level agreement with the Ukrainian government on a new economic reform program that would be supported by an Extended Fund Facility of SDR 12.35 billion (about $17.5 billion, €15.5 billion) from the IMF...