Integrated, local-level planning can reduce high costs of congestion and boost growth in Malaysia
LRT trains arriving at Sentral Station
Euro area economic governance: "Let's make things better", MEPs say
The economic governance rules for the euro area are not working as well as they should. This is because they are too complex, lack ownership and are not consistently enforced, say Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs in a resolution voted on...
Caribbean: WB Report Proposes New Directions to Boost Trade in the Region
A new World Bank report released Tuesday at the Third Regional Caribbean Growth Forum, suggests that the rapidly changing environment for Caribbean exports presents both new opportunities and challenges for economies highly dependent on external...
EU copyright reform must balance rightholders’ and users’ interests, say MEPs
Forthcoming proposals to reform EU copyright law for the digital era and EU digital single market must protect Europe’s cultural diversity and citizens’ access to it, whilst striking a fair balance between the rights and interests of rightholders and...
Capital Markets Union: more investment across the EU and more funds for SMEs
The Capital Markets Union (CMU) should boost the efficient allocation of savings to fund businesses, protect cross-border investors and create a new channel to finance the real economy, said economic and monetary MEPs in a resolution on Tuesday. They...
IMF Executive Board Concludes Eighth Review under the Extended Fund Facility with Jamaica and Approves US$39.8 Million Disbursement
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Tuesday completed the eighth review of Jamaica’s economic performance under a program supported by a four-year Extended Fund Facility (EFF) of SDR 615.38 million (about US$932.3 million at...
"Ball now in Greek camp" Mario Draghi tells economic and monetary affairs MEPs
ECON members welcomed ECB President Mario Draghi for the second Monetary Dialogue of this year...
OECD strengthens co-operation with Morocco – Signs Morocco Country Programme Agreement
15 June 2015 - (From right) Abdelilah Benkirane, Head of the Government of Morocco with Angel...
Public Debt Management Forum Considers Recent Sovereign Bond Volatility, Deterioration in Market Liquidity and Longer Term Challenges
Senior officials from 42 advanced and emerging market economies, and international financial institutions, together with representatives of the private sector and academia met on June 11–12 at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) IMF Headquarters in...
First loan under Investment Plan for Europe in Finland: EIB supports construction of large-scale bio-product mill
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Metsäliitto Cooperative have signed on June 12 a EUR 75 million loan agreement for the construction of a new large-scale bio-product mill in Finland (Äänekoski). The financing will be submitted for backing by the...