Canada could do more to help laid-off workers
Improved employment services would help laid-off workers in Canada find a new job more quickly, according to a new OECD report.
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with Panama
On June 10, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Panama.
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with Italy
On July, 1, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Italy.
Private consumption, main driver of OECD GDP growth in the first quarter of 2015
Contributions to OECD real GDP growth
Percentage points
Bernd Lange on TTIP: "We have to be transparent"
Bernd Lange
More effort needed on government integrity to help restore public trust
Level of disclosure and public availability of private interests across government branches in OECD...
IMF Staff Completes 2015 Article IV Mission to Namibia
A mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Jiro Honda visited Namibia during June 24‒July 7, 2015 to conduct the 2015 Article IV consultation with Namibia. The mission met with the Prime Minister, Hon. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila;...
Relaunch productivity to boost growth and well-being
The slowdown in productivity over the past decade has added to concerns about the long-term economic outlook. But new OECD research shows that policy reforms can revive the diffusion of innovation and make better use of human talent to clear the path...
IMF Executive Board Completes Second PSI Review for Tanzania
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund completed Monday the second review of Tanzania’s economic performance under the program supported by the Policy Support Instrument (PSI).
Governments should target prudent debt levels and fiscal rules will help get there
Governments should set prudent debt targets to ensure that public finances serve to promote economic growth and stability, according to new OECD research.