Finance & Economics

IMF Staff Concludes Visit to Russian Federation

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission visited Moscow during November 16–20, 2015, to discuss the economic outlook and related policies.

IMF Staff Concludes the 2015 Article IV Mission to the Dominican Republic

A mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) headed by Aliona Cebotari visited Santo Domingo during November 10-20, 2015, to conduct Article IV discussions.1 The mission met with government and Central Bank officials, representatives of civil...

IMF Staff Concludes Visit to Zambia

At the invitation of the authorities, an International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Tsidi Tsikata visited Zambia during November 11–20 to review recent economic developments and discuss the authorities’ policy responses to the macroeconomic...

World Bank Reports on Progress in Transforming Agriculture and Labor Practices in Uzbekistan

The World Bank on Friday disclosed the findings of the Third Party Monitoring of the use of child and forced labor during the 2015 cotton harvest in Uzbekistan with particular focus on areas where specific projects supported by the World Bank are...

EU Transport Scoreboard shows Transport is improving in the Member States

On 20 November, the European Commission published the second edition of the "EU Transport Scoreboard", a benchmark which compares how Member States perform in 29 categories covering all aspects of transport. The objective of the Scoreboard is to help...

Togo’s Efforts to Promote an Effective Management of the Mining Sector get World Bank’s Support

The World Bank Thursday approved a US$15 million IDA* credit to help the Government of the Republic of Togo strengthen its capacity to manage the mineral resources in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner.

Mongolia should make combating nepotism and political corruption a priority

Mongolia’s rapid economic and social development, fuelled by the discovery of significant mineral resources, has exacerbated governance and corruption challenges. To address this, a new OECD report says that Mongolia should complete the reform of its...

Banking Consolidation and Regulatory Requirements in Focus atVienna Initiative 2 Full Forum

The eighth Full Forum of the Vienna Initiative assessed key achievements over the past year and proposed an agenda for future cooperation at a meeting hosted by the National Bank of Poland in Warsaw on 18 November on cross-border banking issues...

Polish Tax System Is Becoming Less Complicated, But Still Needs Reforms

According to the latest “Paying Taxes 2016” report, prepared by PwC, a consulting company, and the World Bank Group, Poland is currently on the 58th position when it comes to the degree of complexity of tax systems worldwide. It represents an...

Global education union leaders stand in solidarity with Quebecois colleagues
