Finance & Economics

UK government boost for jet engines with £10 million investment for next generation technology

UK Business Minister Anna Soubry on 5 February announced that Loughborough University has been awarded nearly £10 million of government funding to create a new open access National Centre of Excellence in Gas Turbine Combustion Aerodynamics. The...

Georgi Pirinski: "People in undeclared work are denied basic social and labour rights"

Undeclared work represents a major problem in Europe, which accounted for 18.4% of the EU's gross domestic product in 2012. Not only do governments miss out on revenue, but workers are also less protected. On 2 February MEPs approved a proposal to...

OECD annual inflation picks up to 0.9% in December 2015

Consumer prices, selected areas
December 2015, percentage change on the same month of the previous year...

Promoting Competition Could Lift South African Growth & Boost Poverty Alleviation

In times of weak growth and limited fiscal resources government policies that promote greater domestic competition and improve the regulatory environment could lift growth and support poverty alleviation, says the South Africa Economic Update released...

IMF, Ghana and DFID Highlight the Value of Data for Better Economic Policies in Africa

One of the largest regional conferences on the importance of data for better macroeconomic policies was concluded Tuesday in Accra, Ghana. Organized by the Government of Ghana, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Kingdom Department...

European platform to tackle undeclared work

Parliament endorsed draft EU legislation establishing a “European platform” to enhance cooperation in combatting undeclared work in a vote on Tuesday. The platform would enhance cooperation among EU member states' labour ministries, trade unions and...

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with Bangladesh

On January 20, 2016, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the 2015 Article IV consultation with Bangladesh.

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2015 Article IV Consultation with Nicaragua

On January 28, 2016, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Nicaragua.

Corporate taxation: Commission to discuss its plans for fairer taxes with MEPs

Corporate tax avoidance costs EU countries €50-70 billion in lost revenue a year, according to the European Commission. On 2 February it will discuss with MEPs how it plans to make corporate taxation fairer and more efficient. The Lux Leaks scandal...

IMF Concludes the 2016 Article IV Consultation and ECF Review Mission to Solomon Islands

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Ms. Patrizia Tumbarello visited the Solomon Islands during January 19–28 to hold discussions on the 2016 Article IV consultation. The mission also conducted the fifth and sixth reviews under a three-...