ECOWAS Member States Take Stock of Transfer Pricing in the Region and Determine the Direction of Further Progress
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and the World Bank Group will co-host the first Transfer Pricing Regional Meeting for ECOWAS Member States in Abuja, Nigeria from October 11-13, under...
IMF Reaches Staff-level Agreement with Côte d’Ivoire
Following discussions held between IMF staff and the Ivoirian authorities during the 2016 Annual Meetings in Washington, a staff-level agreement was reached on a three-year program that could be supported by two arrangements under the Extended Credit...
Ukraine must eliminate obstacles to effectively implement anti-corruption reforms
Ukraine has made considerable progress in the area of anti-corruption reform but faces significant challenges to implement some important tools for combating corruption, according to a recent OECD report.
World Bank Debars AC Boilers S.p.A. for 9 months
The World Bank Group announced the debarment of AC Boilers S.p.A., and its two affiliates (AC Boilers Egypt S.A.E., and Centro Combustione Ambiente) for a period of 9 months, followed by an additional 15-month period of conditional non-debarment....
EU needs more funds for jobs and youth in 2017 to honour its pledges, say MEPs
The Budgets Committee demanded more funds, in a vote on Tuesday, to help young people into jobs, to boost economic growth and assist third countries with a view to mitigating the migration crisis. MEPs had earlier reversed all the cuts proposed by the...
Turkmen officials conclude OSCE-organized study visit to Romania on anti-corruption and anti-money laundering practices
Representatives from Turkmenistan’s financial institutions and law-enforcement bodies concluded on 7 October in Bucharest a study visit, organized by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, focused on mechanisms to counter corruption and money laundering.
EIB-WB join forces in new boost for entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa
An agreement to partner on a new joint initiative to support first time entrepreneurs, and in particular young people and women, was signed on Oct. 9 in Washington DC by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Bank Group (WBG). Roman Escolano...
OECD GDP growth slows to 0.3% in the second quarter of 2016 on the back of destocking
Nine Countries Pledge Greater Investments in Children, Powering Economies for Long-Term Growth
At a groundbreaking summit at the World Bank Group-IMF Annual Meetings, on October 6, nine countries pledged to make a range of major investments designed to dramatically reduce childhood stunting and equip tens of millions of young children with the...
IMF Executive Board Modifies PRGT Interest Rate Mechanism and Approves Zero Rates on All Low-Income Country Lending Facilities Through end-2018
On October 3, 2016, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a modification of the mechanism governing interest rate setting of PRGT facilities and set the interest rates to zero on all Fund concessional loans under the...