Finance & Economics

Globalisation, climate change, technological advances and rising inequality: European social partners and civil society to discuss the future of work

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have started a two-day high-level dialogue on the future of work bringing together more than 300 representatives of the social partners and civil society...

Eurasian Economic Commission and the World Bank Initiate Joint Analytical Work on Creating the Eurasian Economic Union Digital Space

This week the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and the World Bank have signed an agreement to implement a joint research project on reaping the economic benefits from creating a shared digital space in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries,...

US$40 Million World Bank Grant to Boost Liberia’s Economic Transformation

A Third Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Operation (PRSDPO-III) intended to boost economic transformation in Liberia, critical for achieving inclusive growth was approved on November 17 by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors. This...

Addressing Labor Market Challenges and Unlocking Private Sector Growth Are Key To Gainful And Quality Employment For All

Addressing labor market challenges and unlocking private sector growth need to go hand in hand in the years ahead, according to a new report jointly issued by the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources, of the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) and the...

Zero tolerance needed against tax secrecy, says former Panamanian advisor Joseph Stiglitz

There needs to be a “comprehensive global approach” against secret tax structures, says the Nobel Prize-winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz, who called for “zero tolerance”. Speaking to Parliament’s Panama Committee on Wednesday, the former advisor to...

Bhutan Agency Approved for Alternative Procurement Arrangements by the World Bank

This is the first alternative arrangement under the World Bank’s new procurement framework, which went into effect July 1. What this means is that the agency’s own procurement arrangements are approved for use in Bank projects and can be used when...

IMF Staff Concludes Visit to the Federated States of Micronesia

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Serkan Arslanalp visited Pohnpei from November 10‒16, 2016, to review economic developments in advance of discussions for the 2017 Article IV consultations (expected to take place during the summer of...

EU Budget deal: EP achieves best support for youth and growth initiatives

MEPs have fought for and obtained better support for unemployed youngsters and additional funds to boost key initiatives supporting SMEs, transport infrastructure projects, research and Erasmus+ student mobility. The provisional deal on the EU Budget...

Timor-Leste: 16,000+ rural farming families to benefit from new Agriculture Project

At least 16,500 farming families will be supported to increase agricultural productivity, reduce post-harvest loss and increase marketed production, under a $21 million project agreed to by the Government of Timor-Leste and the World Bank, on November...

IMF Staff Completes 2016 Article IV Consultation to Angola

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Ricardo Velloso visited Luanda from November 3-16, 2016, to conduct discussions for the 2016 Article IV consultation.