Finance & Economics

Moldovan Firms Spend Less Time Dealing with Regulatory Authorities, but Other Costs of Doing Business Reveal Worrying Trends, says World Bank Report

In Moldova, the time spent by companies dealing with regulatory authorities decreased in 2016, after a decade of no meaningful change, according to the Cost of Doing Business 2016 survey, released by the World Bank Group and the Government of Moldova...

IMF Staff concludes 2017 Article IV Mission to Mauritania and Launches Discussions on an IMF Supported Program

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Mr. Eric Mottu, visited Nouakchott from February 28 to March 13, 2017 to hold discussions on the 2017 Article IV consultations with the Mauritanian authorities and to discuss an economic program that...

Deeper Integration Vital for Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank Report Says

A deeper economic integration among Latin American and Caribbean countries will make the region more competitive in international markets and boost long-term growth, according to a new World Bank report.

Spain: Maintain reform momentum to enhance economic recovery and boost inclusive growth

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Labor Market Improvements Can Help Unlock Potential of Bulgaria’s Digital Landscape, Says World Bank

Countries in the European Union (EU) must enact policies designed to better help workers adapt to new jobs being created by the internet if they want to avoid increasing inequality and exclusion in the region, notes a new World Bank Report.

World Bank Approves New Financing to Support Infrastructure Development across Indonesia

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved on March 10, 2017, $100 million in financing that will enable subnational governments to scale up investments in infrastructure and improve the welfare of communities and the competitiveness of...

IMF Executive Board Completes the Second and Third Reviews of Kosovo’s Stand-By Arrangement

On March 13, 2017, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed the second and third reviews of the Republic of Kosovo’s economic performance under the Stand-By Arrangement (SBA). The completion of the reviews enables the...

World Bank Supports Albania’s Reforms to Strengthen Financial Sector

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on March 13, approved a US$100 million Financial Sector Development Policy Loan (DPL) to the Republic of Albania. The policy operation supports reforms aimed at strengthening the resilience of the banking...

Thailand Can Revive Inclusive Growth, says New World Bank Report

A new World Bank report explores how Thailand can restart its economic engine in ways that benefit all people in the country and help protect the environment.

Lao PDR to Improve Trade and Business Environment

Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the World Bank, and the Australian Embassy met today to officially launch the Additional Financing to the ongoing Second Trade Development Facility Project, which will receive an increase of...