Finance & Economics

Sri Lanka-Owned Reforms Key to Drive Economic Growth

Sri Lankan Government led reforms to improve competitiveness, maintain macro-fiscal stability and strengthen institutions, with broad support in the country, are key to robust economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction. The new Sri Lanka...

Zambia Economic Brief: Zambia’s Economy Continues its Recovery in 2017

The Zambian economy has continued its recovery in 2017, but the stronger growth and better macroeconomic indicators have not resulted in an improvement in the fiscal indicators, says a new World Bank Economic Brief Reaping Richer Returns from Public...

Over 200 Innovative Start-Ups in Jordan to Benefit from Early Stage Financing

The World Bank announced on June 23, 2017 a new project to promote entrepreneurship in Jordan by providing critical, early stage financing to the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that have proven to be the engines of job creation. The new US$50...

World Bank Increases Support for Water and Sanitation in Chittagong, Bangladesh

The World Bank on June 23, 2017 approved $47.50 million to improve water, sanitation, and drainage infrastructure in Chittagong, with the aim of helping about 650,000 inhabitants of Bangladesh’s second largest city gain access to safe and reliable...

Addressing Fiscal Imbalances at the Core of Zimbabwe’s Financial Crisis Could Boost Long Term Development

Resolving the ongoing financial crisis and sustaining growth in Zimbabwe will require bold measures to correct fiscal imbalances, according to a World Bank report released on June 21th. In 2016, the fiscal deficit increased sharply to 10% of GDP...

Slovak Republic: Strong economy offers opportunity to invest in the future

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IMF Executive Board Concludes 2017 Article IV Consultation with Denmark

On June 16, 2017 the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Denmark.

Venezuela Crisis Looms Over OAS Meeting in Mexico

Even before the Organization of American States’ annual General Assembly formally opened Monday evening in Cancun, Mexico, Venezuela’s political and economic crisis commanded center stage.

Promoting Sustainable, Inclusive Economic Recovery is Focus of New World Bank Group Strategy for Ukraine

The World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors on June 20th, endorsed the 2017-2021 Country Partnership Framework for Ukraine, which supports the country’s efforts to achieve a lasting economic recovery that benefits all the people of Ukraine.

Renewable Energy a Step Closer for Solomon Islands as World Bank Group Approves Support to Tina River Hydro

Reliable renewable energy is a step closer for Solomon Islands, a country facing some of the world’s highest per capita energy costs, following the World Bank Group’s commitment to the Tina River Hydro renewable energy project.