Kyrgyzstan: Violence Mars Supreme Court Hearing
The courtroom reacts after the Supreme Court delivers its verdict in the...
SRI LANKA: Core values 'Ko' -- where are the core values?
What the International Bar Association is requesting the Commonwealth to do is to review the situation and be satisfied that Sri Lanka respects its core values and principles, including the respect for separation of powers, the rule of law, good...
Côte d’Ivoire: Unrealized Promises for Impartial Justice
A woman hides her face after recounting how pro-Ouattara forces killed two of her children and her brother...
Thousands of Syrian children to benefit from UN food projects in Jordan, Iraq
Syrian refugee children attend classes at the Za’atari camp in Jordan.
Ethiopia: Muslim Protesters Face Unfair Trial
Burma: Satellite Images Detail Destruction in Meiktila
A burned-down house in Meiktila, March 21, 2013.
Ghana: People With Mental Disabilities Face Serious Abuse
At Heavenly Ministries Spiritual Revival and Healing Center, some people with presumed...
Brazil: UN experts voice concern over deprivation of liberty for detainees
Myanmar authorities must do more to stop spread of violence – UN independent expert
A woman rides a bicycle to work in Myanmar’s second city, Mandalay.
SRI LANKA: Recognising ourselves as our worst enemies
With a foreign policy in tatters, the judiciary and the legal system in deep crisis and the state of the economy looking more perilous with each monumentally wasteful government extravaganza, the seasonal call of the koha heralding the Sinhala and...