Human Rights

Pope Urges Clergy to Reach Out to the Poor

Pope Francis urged bishops to get out of their churches and bring the message of Catholicism to the world's poorest areas.

US government must safeguard journalists’ right to protect confidential sources, says OSCE media freedom representative

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, during the 15th Central Asia Media Conference in Bishkek, 27 June 2013...

Overwhelming opposition to female genital mutilation/cutting, yet millions of girls still at risk: UNICEF

A majority of people in most countries where female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is concentrated oppose the harmful practice, according to a new UNICEF report issued. Despite that opposition, more than 125 million girls and women alive have been...

Revised Bangladesh labour law ‘falls short’ of international standards – UN agency

Hundreds people lost their lives when an eight-story building outside Dhaka, Bangladesh, collapsed on...

OSCE media freedom representative presents analysis of latest draft media law to authorities in Skopje, problematic provisions need to be changed

Following a legal review of the latest draft Law on Media and Audiovisual Media Services, the OSCE media freedom Representative Dunja Mijatović welcomed the efforts by the authorities in Skopje to harmonize the law with international standards,...

Criminal punishment for critical journalism has chilling effect on free speech in Turkey, says OSCE media freedom representative

The prison sentence meted out to journalist Ahmet Altan for insulting Prime Minister Erdoğan in one of his articles will further restrict free speech in Turkey, Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media said.

Criminal punishment for critical journalism has chilling effect on free speech in Turkey, says OSCE media freedom representative

The prison sentence meted out to journalist Ahmet Altan for insulting Prime Minister Erdoğan in one of his articles will further restrict free speech in Turkey, Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, said.

OSCE human rights chief calls on Czech authorities to address segregation and social exclusion to help prevent anti-Roma incidents

Lenarčič said there is an indication that the problems facing the Roma minority in the Czech Republic have yet to be addressed at their...

Veteran journalists, UN deputy chief urge Security Council to do more to protect reporters

Journalists gathered at Chaklala Airbase in Rawalpindi, where they covered Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's...

Indonesia: Forestry Failures Jeopardize ‘Green Growth’

Government corruption and mismanagement plague Indonesia’s forestry sector, with serious consequences for human rights and the environment, Human Rights Watch said in a report released.