Governments must confront religious intolerance vigorously, Chair’s representatives say
L-r: Tetiana Izhevska, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and...
European Commission releases emergency funds to help victims of tropical cyclone Haiyan
In its immediate response to the vast devastation caused in the Philippines by the tropical cyclone Haiyan (Yolanda), the European Commission is making available €3 million to help in emergency relief efforts in the worst affected areas.
Iran: Lift Restrictions on Sunni Worship
The Iranian government should follow through on President Hassan Rouhani’s promises to improve access to human rights for religious minorities, Human Rights Watch said. That should include allowing Sunni Muslims, a minority in Shia-dominated Iran, to...
UN expert decries ‘unacceptable’ number of child victims of abuse in Benin
Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat Maalla M’jid.
Mexico: Key Supreme Court Ruling on Torture Case
A Mexican Supreme Court ruling on November 6, 2013, affirms the Mexican constitutional principle that evidence obtained through torture or other violations of fundamental human rights is inadmissible, Human Rights Watch said.
Early Childhood Development Handbook launched ahead of UK All Party Parliamentary Group meeting
UNICEF, in coordination with the University of Northampton (UK), launched a ground-breaking new work, the Handbook Of Early Childhood Development Research And Its Impact On Global Policy.
UN experts call on Sudan to stop threatening women with flogging
Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Rashida Manjoo.
Protecting Right to Privacy in Age of Mass Surveillance
In many places around the world, Human Rights Watch exposes abuses of state power and the absence of effective accountability over the agencies of the state – both factors highly relevant to the issue we are discussing here.
Attacks against polling stations in Kosovo 'utterly deplorable', says UN official
Special Representative Farid Zarif.
UN agency fears sailing tragedies at start of ‘smuggling season’ in Bay of Bengal
Two displaced boys in Rakhine state, Myanmar, play in a river. Daily life is still a struggle for...