Human Rights

Indian Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Gay Law

India's Supreme Court has upheld a 19th-century law making homosexual acts a crime, overturning an earlier court decision that had ruled the law invalid.

On International Human Rights Day, OSCE/ODIHR Director condemns violence against peaceful protesters

Janez Lenarčič, the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, delivers a briefing to journalists at...

OSCE Special Representative publishes human trafficking report on Portugal, praises immediate steps taken

The OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, speaking at...

One in three children under-five do not officially exist - UNICEF

On UNICEF’s 67th birthday, the organization released a new report showing that the births of nearly 230 million children under-five have never been registered; approximately one in three of all children under-five around the world.

UNICEF provides emergency supplies to treat children injured in Central African Republic fighting

UNICEF has distributed emergency medical supplies to hospitals in Bangui following clashes in recent days that have left hundreds dead and thousands more displaced.

Protecting the EU's borders: "Saving lives should be mandatory"

Carlos Coelho

Rules to prevent further loss of migrants’ lives off EU coasts

Draft rules to clarify how border guards serving in Frontex-coordinated maritime operations should deal with migrants intercepted or rescued at sea and where they should land them were approved by the Civil Liberties Committee on Monday. These rules...

Empire State Building Honors Human Rights Watch

The top of the Empire State Building will turn a bright blue to honor Human Rights Watch on December 10, 2013, the international day to celebrate human rights around the world. The Empire State Building decided to use blue lights in recognition of...

UN reports 'slow, uneven' use of Afghan law protecting women

Photographer Farzana Wahidy covering a women's empowerment event in Mazar-i-Sharif, in...

Libya: 6 Months On, Scant Action on Protester Killings

Libyan authorities should urgently announce the results of promised investigations into at least two deadly clashes between protesters and militias during 2013. The clashes killed dozens of people and injured hundreds.