General rapporteur on abolition of the death penalty concerned about the latest execution in the United States
Marietta Karamanli (France, SOC), general rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the abolition of the death penalty, said today that she stood aghast at news of what appears to have been yet another botched...
Leaked Guidelines for Placement on No-Fly List Show System Ripe for Abuse
As attorneys who represent individuals on the No-Fly List, we are dismayed to read the details of how the government places people on the List based on criteria that are hopelessly vague and require no showing of a threat to aviation security. It...
UK assistance to Gaza this week reaches £7 million
Ten Palestinians killed and 600 injured in clashes during West Bank protests against the Israeli offensive in Gaza
The past few days witnessed a sharp escalation in clashes between Palestinian civilians and Israeli forces across the West Bank in the context of protests against the ongoing Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip. Since 23 July, Israeli forces...
UN agency hails Suriname for eliminating gender discrimination in nationality laws

Latin America nations pledge more for protection of the displaced and stateless.
US Considers Screening Youth in Honduras for Refugee Status
Top Obama administration officials say the United States is considering a pilot program which would involve screening some youths in Honduras to see if they qualify for refugee status in the United States. Officials say the youngsters could be...
EU increases humanitarian aid in Gaza in response to escalating crisis
The European Commission is giving an additional €5 million to support emergency relief operations in the Gaza Strip where a humanitarian crisis is becoming more dramatic by the day. The new funding will enable humanitarian organisations to deliver...
US: Racial Discrimination Under Scrutiny
Troubled by escalating violence in Libya, ICC Prosecutor urges halt to fighting

The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.
UN and partners urge humanitarian ceasefire, return to dialogue by Israelis, Palestinians

A little girl cries as medics attend to her injuries at al-Shifa hospital, Gaza City (18 July).