Bigger human brain prioritizes thinking hub – at a cost
Some human brains are nearly twice the size of others – but how might that matter? Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and their NIH grant-funded colleagues have discovered that these differences in size are related to the...
Even a shark’s electrical “sixth sense” may be tuned to attack
Imagine having superhuman hearing. You’re at a noisy, cocktail party and yet your ears can detect normally inaudible sounds made by your friends’ muscles as they lean in to dish the latest gossip. But, unlike normal hearing, each of these sounds...
June 1: No More Formaldehyde In Wood Products Made, Sold In U.S.
This Friday is a big day for American consumers — and most don’t even realize it. As of June 1, 2018, it is illegal to manufacture or import composite wood products in the United States if they contain excessive amounts of formaldehyde.
NIH scientists show how tularemia bacteria trick cells to cause disease

A female Aedes mosquito.
Insufficient vitamin D linked to miscarriage among women with prior pregnancy loss
Among women planning to conceive after a pregnancy loss, those who had sufficient levels of vitamin D were more likely to become pregnant and have a live birth, compared to women with insufficient levels of the vitamin, according to an analysis by...
NIH researchers identify how eye loss occurs in blind cavefish

Photographs of Astyanax mexicanus, surface form with eyes (top) and cave form without eyes (bottom).
Self-tuning brain implant could help treat patients with Parkinson’s disease
Deep brain stimulation has been used to treat Parkinson’s disease symptoms for 25 years, but limitations have led researchers to look for ways to improve the technique. This study describes the first fully implanted DBS system that uses feedback from...
UN allocates $2 Million for Cholera Outbreak in North-East Nigeria
The United Nations, through the Nigeria Humanitarian Fund, has allocated US$2 million to support the response to a deadly cholera outbreak in Yobe State, north-east Nigeria, that could affect thousands of people.
Lithuania should focus reform efforts on improving quality and efficiency of health services
Lithuania has made strong progress in reshaping its health system since the 1990s but further reforms are needed to urgently improve the quality of health services and make spending more efficient, according to a new OECD report.
Study reveals gaps in follow-up care after concussion
Being discharged from a hospital trauma center after receiving treatment for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) does not necessarily mean that a patient has fully recovered. TBI can lead to long-lasting physical and cognitive symptoms, but a new study in...