
High-Tech Shoes Aim To Stop Wandering Alzheimer's Patients

There's a GPS tracker hidden inside this mild-mannered shoe.

Hormones And Metabolism Conspire Against Dieters


Our brains are made of the same stuff, despite DNA differences

Our brains are all made of the same stuff. Despite individual and ethnic genetic diversity, our...

Men Can Be Binge-Eaters, Too

Male binge eaters were more likely to be depressed and obese than men who didn't binge, a study found.

Flu Shots: Far From Perfect, Still Advised

What's in this vial changes from year to year, but the process of creating the flu vaccine remains pretty constant.

Key Panel Recommends Routine HPV Vaccination For Boys

If you thought the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer was controversial before, things are just warming up.

Strawberries could help protect stomach from alcohol

Eating strawberries can reduce the harm that alcohol can cause to the stomach, European researchers say.

Panel Proposes Nutrition Labels That Reach For The Stars

The Institute of Medicine wants the FDA to adopt new food labels that make it easier for...

Study Points to Potential Treatment for Sickle Cell Disease

Scientists corrected sickle cell disease in adult laboratory mice by activating production of a special blood protein normally...

Genome Comparison Casts Light on Dark Areas of DNA

A massive effort to sequence and compare 29 mammalian genomes has shed new light on the “dark matter” of the genome, the over...