Brain abnormality found in group of SIDS cases
More than 40 percent of infants in a group who died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) were found to have an abnormality in a key part of the brain, researchers report. The abnormality affects the hippocampus, a brain area that influences such...
Holidays Can Be Sensory Overload for Kids With Autism
UN conference generates renewed global momentum to eradicate malnutrition
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva closes the General Debate of the Second International...
Worldwide action needed to address hidden crisis of violence against women and girls
Current efforts to prevent violence against women and girls are inadequate, according to a new Series published in The Lancet. Estimates suggest that globally, 1 in 3 women has experienced either physical or sexual violence from their partner, and...
'Tis the Season of Challenges for Those With Food Allergies
Ebola: Ban hopeful of outbreak’s end by mid-2015; UN to set up response office in Mali
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (at podium) holds a press conference on the UN System’s response to the...
Two decades of EP observation missions
The EP is not only the EU's only directly-elected institution, but it also does its best to promote democracy outside Europe. This year marks 20 years of European Parliament involvement in election observation. Last year the Parliament sent...
Most people who drink excessively are not alcohol dependent
9 out of 10 excessive drinkers are not alcohol dependent
89.8%: Excessive Drinkers Who are Not...
UK's major investment in life sciences
Special Ambulance Delivers Vital Stroke Care More Quickly