
Still too much variation in health care quality across Italian regions, says new OECD report

Italy has significantly improved the quality of health care in recent decades but needs to tackle the wide disparities that remain between regions, according to a new OECD report.

Depression, Anxiety Can Precede Memory Loss in Alzheimer's, Study Finds


Lack of Exercise More Deadly Than Obesity, Study Suggests


U.S. Painkiller Abuse 'Epidemic' May Be Declining, Study Says


Are Seniors With Diabetes Overtreated?


Head Start Program Might Help Fight Childhood Obesity: Study


Panel cites need for individualized, patient-centered approach to treat and monitor chronic pain

An independent panel convened by the National Institutes of Health concluded that individualized, patient-centered care is needed to treat and monitor the estimated 100 million Americans living with chronic pain. To achieve this aim, the panel...

DNA-Based Biosensor Helps Better Designing of Anticancer Drugs


Bites to the Hand Need Medical Attention, Experts Say


NIH teams with industry to develop treatments for Niemann-Pick Type C disease

This image shows the cerebellum of a brain affected by NPC at the end stage of the disease. The blue staining shows the dense...