
Prevention and early treatment of RMSF in Arizona may save millions by preventing premature death and disability

The mounting costs of an epidemic of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) among several American Indian tribes in Arizona suggests that prevention and control efforts would be cost effective. A recent study released by experts at the Centers for...

Keep Safety in Mind When Skateboarding


Summer Beach Time Means Water Safety


Researchers design placenta-on-a-chip to better understand pregnancy

Figure: A placenta-on-a-chip microdevice: A) The device’s upper (blue) and lower (red) chambers are separated by a semi-...

Herpes Virus Tied to Angina Risk, Study Suggests


Pesticide Used Decades Ago May Raise Breast Cancer Risk: Study


MERS outbreak in Republic of Korea is ‘wake-up call’ for highly mobile world – UN health agency

WHO Assistant Deputy Director-General for Health Security Keiji Fukuda.

Study of Ebola survivors opens in Liberia

The Liberia-U.S. clinical research partnership known as PREVAIL has launched a study of people in Liberia who have survived Ebola virus disease (EVD) within the past two years.

Breast-Feeding May Have Dental Benefits, Study Suggests


'Green Space' at School May Help Kids Learn, Study Suggests
