
Womb-to-Tomb Policies Needed to Tackle Labor Force Decline and Higher Public Spending in Rapidly Aging East Asia

East Asia is aging faster than any other region in history, and some middle-income and wealthier economies could lose as much as 15 percent of their working-age population by 2040, according to a new World Bank report.

From MDGs to SDGs, WHO launches new report

WHO, Tuesday launched a new comprehensive analysis of global health trends since 2000 and an assessment of the challenges for the next 15 years.

Biomarkers Outperform Symptoms in Parsing Psychosis Subgroups

Three biomarker-based categories, called biotypes, outperformed traditional diagnoses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with psychosis, in sorting psychosis cases into distinct subgroups on the basis of brain biology, report researchers...

Doctors Rally in Support of Fibroid Device Curbed by FDA


3-D Video Games May Boost Brainpower, Study Finds


Blood Thinner, Certain Diabetes Drugs Are a Bad Combo


Infant Weight Gain Linked to Possible Type 1 Diabetes Risk


Researchers investigate how a developing brain is assembled

Image A shows the twisted up worm embryo inside the egg with the fluorescently labeled cells....

Risky Sexual Behaviors Put Many Young Gay Men at Risk of HIV: Study


Living Together, Marriage Give Equal Boost to Women's Mental Health: Study
