Alcohol Ads Should Be a No-See on TV for Kids
Spike in Newborn Drug-Withdrawal Tied to Prenatal Painkiller Use
Implanted Defibrillators Help Women as Much as Men: Study
NIH support development of therapeutic alternatives to traditional antibiotics
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded approximately $5 million in funding for 24 research projects seeking to develop non-traditional therapeutics for bacterial...
Young Adults Would Delay Seeking Stroke Treatment: Survey
Scientists Spot Three More Genes Linked to Glaucoma Risk
Parents Can Play Big Role in Thwarting Teen Fights: Study
Gender Wage Gap Linked to Depression and Anxiety: Study
The wage gap between American women and men might be one reason why women have higher rates of depression and anxiety, a new study suggests.
Are We Programmed to Overeat in Winter?
You can blame evolution for your tendency to overeat during the winter, and for the likely failure of your New Year's resolution to lose weight, researchers report.
New Research: Excess Sodium Intake Remains Common in the United States
Nearly all Americans – regardless of age, race, gender or whether they have high blood pressure (hypertension) – consume more sodium than is recommended for a healthy diet. That is the conclusion of a new report published by the Centers for Disease...