
New imaging method may predict risk of post-treatment brain bleeding after stroke

A revealing look at the stroke brain: This image combines pre- and post-treatment scans from the same patient....

Time Zone Changes Give Edge to Athletes From West


With 18 million doses exhausted, global stockpile of yellow fever vaccine running low

The yellow fever vaccination campaign in the province of Huambo, Angola, started on 12 April 2016...

Painkiller That Killed Prince Part of Dangerous Wave of New Synthetic Drugs


MEPs and ministers agree to beef up official food checks from farm to fork

Draft plans to tighten up official controls from farm to fork were informally agreed by food safety MEPs and the Dutch Presidency of the Council on Wednesday. It aims to guarantee that the food consumers buy and eat in Europe is safe and wholesome,...

More Men Using Family Planning Services

More men are visiting Title X Family Planning Program sites, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the HHS Office of Population Affairs (OPA) in observance of June’s Men’s Health Month.

Caffeine's Jolt Can Sometimes Be Short-Lived


Extensive Surgery Best for an Aggressive Brain Cancer: Study


On World Day, Ban calls for ending elder abuse as a pathway towards Global Goals

An old woman at her window in a Nepalese village.

Medical devices: Health Committee MEPs approve stricter EU safety requirements

Plans for stricter monitoring and certification procedures to ensure full compliance and traceability of medical devices, such as breast or hip implants, were backed by Health Committee MEPs on Wednesday. MEPs also approved legislation to tighten up...