Omega-3s in Fish Tied to Better Colon Cancer Outcomes
Noisy Homes Can Slow a Toddler's Vocabulary
Uncovering a new principle in chemotherapy resistance in breast cancer
A laboratory study has revealed an entirely unexpected process for acquiring drug resistance that bypasses the need to re-establish DNA damage repair in breast cancers that have mutant BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. The findings, reported by Andre Nussenzweig...
Connectome Map More Than Doubles Human Cortex’s Known Regions
The researchers discovered that our brain’s cortex, or outer mantle, is...
WHO encourages countries to act now to reduce deaths from viral hepatitis
Ahead of World Hepatitis Day, 28 July 2016, WHO is urging countries to take rapid action to improve knowledge about the disease, and to increase access to testing and treatment services. Today, only 1 in 20 people with viral hepatitis know they have...
Hormone Therapy Won't Help Memory After Menopause
Even High-Fat Mediterranean Diet Good for You: Review
Mixed Progress in Worldwide Fight Against HIV/AIDS
Researchers identify brain circuits that help people cope with stress
Research supported by the National Institutes of Health has identified brain patterns in humans that appear to underlie “resilient coping,” the healthy emotional and behavioral responses to stress that help some people handle stressful situations...
3 Health Issues That Can Threaten Young Female Athletes