
Can Childhood Traumas Make You Old Before Your Time?


Worry About Job Loss May be Linked to Diabetes Risk: Study


Targeting cardiovascular disease risk factors may be important across a lifetime

New findings suggest that all adults, including those over 65, should be mindful of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The results, published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, are part of the Reasons for Geographic and Racial...

Some Increased Bleeding Risk Seen With Blood Thinner Xarelto Vs. Pradaxa


WHO calls for immediate safe evacuation of the sick and wounded from conflict areas

WHO is calling on belligerents in Syria to allow for the immediate and safe evacuation of the sick and wounded from all areas affected by the conflict, including eastern Aleppo. The Organization is also calling for a halt of attacks on health care...

Researchers find a gap in the brain’s firewall against Parkinson’s disease

In a study in mice, researchers found that they could reduce the progression of the toxic aggregates of a protein known as α-synuclein that are found in the brains of Parkinson’s disease patients. The results suggest that another protein called...

Smoking Bans May Keep Young Men From Heavy Smoking

Smoking bans may help reduce smoking among young American men, a new study finds.

2nd Antibiotic Halves C-Section Infection Rate: Study


Discrimination and negative attitudes about ageing are bad for your health

New analysis by WHO shows that negative or ageist attitudes towards older people are widespread. They also negatively affect older people’s physical and mental health.

HPV Vaccine More Effective Than Thought: Study

The vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which doctors believe causes most cases of cervical cancer, appears even more effective than believed, a new study finds.