From coast to coast: Africa unites to tackle threat of polio
More than 190 000 polio vaccinators in 13 countries across west and central Africa will immunize more than 116 million children over the next week, to tackle the last remaining stronghold of polio on the continent.
NIH achieves milestone to accelerate multisite clinical studies
Developing new treatments for diseases often requires large numbers of clinical research participants enrolled in the same study at numerous geographical sites. These multisite clinical trials are well-positioned to discover whether a promising...
WHO issues ethics guidance to protect rights of TB patients
New tuberculosis (TB) ethics guidance, on March 22, launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to help ensure that countries implementing the End TB Strategy adhere to sound ethical standards to protect the rights of all those affected.
Scientists discover urinary biomarker that may help track ALS
A study in Neurology suggests that analyzing levels of the protein p75ECD in urine samples from people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may help monitor disease progression as well as determine the effectiveness of therapies. The study was...
Somalia: UN-backed cholera vaccination campaign targets 450,000 peopl

Health workers vaccinate children in the first oral cholera vaccination campaign at the Banadir Hospital in...
Health care a casualty of 6 years of war in the Syrian Arab Republic
NIH-funded scientists deploy CRISPR to preserve photoreceptors in mice
Silencing a gene called Nrl in mice prevents the loss of cells from degenerative diseases of the retina, according to a new study. The findings could lead to novel therapies for preventing vision loss from human diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa....
Common tests for preterm birth not useful for routine screening of first-time pregnancies
Two methods thought to hold promise in predicting preterm delivery in first-time pregnancies identified only a small proportion of cases and do not appear suitable for widespread screening, according to a large study by a National Institutes of Health...
US “global gag” anti-abortion rule a major setback for women’s health, say MEPs
Political group speakers reacted to President Donald Trump’s reinstatement of the “global gag” rule in a debate with EU humanitarian aid Commissioner Christos Stylianides on Tuesday. The executive order, signed on 23 January, obliges US-funded foreign...
Study identifies African-specific genomic variant associated with obesity